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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is included in an initial visit?
    Initial consultations can be 60-90 minutes and may include questions about current symptoms and their history, your broader medical history, family, medical history, diet, exercise, and sleep habits. We may also inquire about your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Your life story gives us critical insight into who you are, why you are here and how we can help. To understand more, we may recommend or order conventional or specialty lab tests, imaging studies, previous consultation notes from other clinicians or other documentation about your history. See our Care page HERE for more information about some of our specialty testing options. You leave the first visit with a set plan that includes a summary of our current understanding of what underpins your current health status (the education piece), orders for any further labs or imaging, and an initial set of interventions. Find out more about our treatment options HERE. They may include pharmaceuticals (although we are open to discussing avoidance of medication if this is your preference), peptides (bioidentical pharmaceuticals), dietary/ movement/ lifestyle interventions, herbal and supplement recommendations, IV therapies including IV ozone, Ayurvedic therapies, and coaching to help you integrate the recommended changes.
  • What happens after the visit?
    We remain available via the portal, which may incur costs at the clinician’s hourly rate depending on length & complexity of the questions sent. If your question is out of the scope of a portal message, we’ll request you schedule an appointment. Follow up visits are scheduled according to the cadence you need to best move your health forward- these typically are closer together in the beginning of our work together & then naturally stretch out as you stabilize. Follow up visits can be scheduled through your portal for 30 min slots and then are billed by the time used during the visit (ranging from 15 to 60 minutes). In follow up visits, we review test results and the impact of interventions and answer all your medical questions.
  • Are there telehealth options? What if I live outside of Washington state?
    Telehealth appointments are currently available. Schedules vary by provider. We are licensed to see patients within Washington State. If you are able to travel to Seattle, we can see you in clinic and then consider you established for ongoing care with at least once yearly ongoing in-clinic visits. We can do educational health consultations for patients outside of Washington State, meaning we weigh in with our opinion on your health with our recommendations to be considered by your local provider to carry out.
  • What is the cost of a visit? Do you take insurance? Are there sliding scale fees?
    We do not bill any insurances and are happy to provide a superbill/ receipt after your appointment. Reimbursement rates vary by insurance provider and we cannot predict what this might look like. Please note Medicare will not reimburse for out-of-network providers. Fees are due at time of service and vary by provider. We offer a 10% discount for the following patient populations: Veterans, BIPOC, Medicaid and Medicare patients. Please let us know at time of schedule/payment. Need sliding scale? Please dive into our podcast and blog series to glean some free learning & sign up for our newsletter so we can stay in touch; it’s our intention that as we grow, we can expand our offerings to a wider audience. We do not currently offer payment plan options.
  • What electronic health record system do you use? How do we communicate outside of appointments?
    We use Cerbo as our electronic health records system because of its ease, patient portal, and transparency. You’ll receive all visit notes directly into your portal and can upload any and all documentation that you’d like us to see. Click HERE to get to our patient portal. We can also ‘prescribe’ supplements directly to FullScript so it’s easy for you to see which products we recommend right in your account. We also offer a 15% discount on supplements to encourage you to adhere to the treatment plan.
  • How do you work with my other doctors?
    We are happy to collaborate and believe in a team approach that includes both conventional/ western clinicians as well as integrative/ complementary providers. We may refer you to these providers as well.
  • How do I schedule an appointment?
    Please complete the inquiry form HERE to get started. You may also email us at or call us with any questions or to schedule at 206-379-1213.
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